1 Corinthians 16:13 Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.

So few words contain so much meaning to me in this season.  I’ve been in the IGNITE program for nine months now and a Christian for countless years. I’m reminded in this that just because I’ve been a follower for a while doesn’t make me less likely to fall into sin or to stray from what I believe. It’s easy to fall into a haze and let to let my faith become weary.  I’m reminded of Professor Moody in Harry Potter “Constant Vigilance!” And be on guard, because it’s the compromises that get to us.

In my time in IGNITE I’ve had several Christian friends back home let those little compromises in until they were faced with a huge area of sin and far from God and desperate to get back to Him. I’ve known these people for several years and they’re some of my closest friends in Christ. And it came as such a shock to me, but if I put myself in their situation would I act any differently? How would I deal with those situations when they come? Would I stand strong in what I believe? Or would I let temptation get to me.

What is it to stand fast in faith?  Is it trusting in His will when things are easy? We need most to stand fast and hold onto His word when we don’t know. When we’re tempted and we want to do anything but trust. But its when we need to do it the most. I need to be ever present in His word and even though I don’t always like what God has to say, I need to obey and follow it nevertheless. Now more than ever, as I head home, I need to have roots firmly planted in Christ. To be watchful, brave and strong in Jesus and to stand firm in the truths that He has given me.


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