Matthew 25:26-28 But his lord answered him and said to him, “You wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed. So you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers, and at my coming I would have received back my own with interest. Therefore take the talents from him and give it to him who has ten talents.

Right now I’m in a season of waiting. Waiting to do ministry, schools, and kids club. I feel as though God has given team Guatemala this season of waiting. I guess I should ask myself why. He foreknew I would be here in this season for such a time as this. I think he’s given us this season to prepare. Much like the master gave the talents to the servants. What do I do with the time god has given me to prepare? Do I waste it like the servant did with one talent or do I invest and utilize this time to study and go deep. Do I invest like the servant who made ten talents, or do I waste this time and spend it on myself. Do I look for the lessons he has to show me here or do I ignore it because “interesting” things aren’t happening.  The time and gifts he’s given to me, while are given, are intended to be used for His glory. I mustn’t waste them.

God gives and takes. And it’s not for me to waste the time he’s given me to prepare. Whether that be for teaching in this time, or sharing when I go home.  There are fruits to be yielding and seeds to sow in every season.  I have to trust in that. Everyday when life feels so mundane and boring I must bring myself to the truth that there is a purpose to this season and to me. I need only look to heaven and ask God to reveal himself to me.


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