
Philippians 3:10 That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and may share in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death.

This verse poses a question to me. How far am I willing to go for Christ? My automatic response is: To death! I make this statement and yet I struggle with even the little things. I’ll even sacrifice it if He’s asking me to, but I often do so with an unwilling heart. If I can’t sacrifice even the little things, how much more difficult will it be to actually sacrifice my life for Christ? I don’t know what I would do if I was presented with the choice of, believing in Christ and dying or denying Him and living.  I can only pray that God will give me the courage to say the former. But will I die to myself and anything of myself for Him? Will I live for Christ? Will I die to the old Rachel and conform to His image in my death to myself? Am I willing to experience suffering, sacrifice, trials, and tribulations for Him?

There have been so many times in my life when I’ve had to sacrifice something or go through a trial and instead of rejoicing in it and letting God mold me more, I complain. I become consumed in self-pity and grow angry with God for it. This is something God has really convicted me of and it’s something I’ve prayed and asked forgiveness from. Sadly it’s still something I find myself in all the time. I waste opportunities that He’s given me in trials and suffering to know Him more and to press on and deeper into my relationship with Jesus. I waste them and let sin and my flesh into my heart and mind. And its something I struggle with and continually lay down at His feet daily. I must lay these thoughts down and pray for His forgiveness, and understand that I’m set free of that thought pattern. God, show me what you have to show me, I pray that I listen to what You have to say, and that I let You do a work in me throughout my trials and that they would be used for Your Glory. 

Application: I will die to myself and become more like Him through servanthood tomorrow morning and empty the KP rack even though I don’t want to.


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