
Hebrews 5:8 Although He was a son, He learned obedience through what He suffered.

I can’t help but think of Jesus dying on the cross. And how he endured all of that pain in complete compliance to His will. Jesus went through the cross, was executed in an agonizing way all for me. And he did it in obedience, with a heart desiring for nothing more than to obey his father and he did so with a willing heart. This verse is really convicting me. So often I hear from God or read His word, and then go in deliberate disobedience of His will for my life. After all that Jesus endured for me, I still seek after other things. I still directly disobey or harbor resentment towards the authority He’s placed in my life. I have to recognize that these peoples in my life have been given authority from God. And he desires for me to obey them with a willing heart, just as Jesus obeyed God. I learn even from my suffering, to persevere through it and I grew in understanding that I will learn obedience to God and authority through my life when I’m in trials. I will learn what obedience is and its rewards when I say no to my flesh.  It’s such a blessing to have Jesus as an example to follow. Seeing His obedience to God and knowing that it was done because He loves God and because He loves us, is really a beautiful example of what obedience really looks like and how it can be tangible in my life.
Application:  I will write out a prayer for obedience to God and to the authority He’s placed over my life tomorrow in my devotional.


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