1 Timothy 4: 1-2 Now
the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith,
giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in
hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron.
I think this could refer to the judiezers. Who were adding
things to salvation, making it a works based faith instead of grace. I think we
can even apply it to today, the church says nothing but the blood and no gay
marriage, or nothing but the blood and no liberals in office. We’ve let church
become politicized and segregated. It’s
not I’m an American and a Christian. It’s I’m a Christian. My citizenship is
first of heaven.
And these are dark days. There’s no room for political
agenda, only His word. Spreading His love. This political minded, legalistic,
works-based faith has been a huge drive in pushing people away from God. They
think its all rules and regulations or “Heaven the 7 step plan” or “Hell, how to get out of it free, a
guidebook.” They see rules and guidelines and they see people who think they’re
better than everyone else, they see self-righteousness and a horizontal
People see these things and they think “that’s not freedom.”
So they turn to self, and all of the depravity and pleasures that comes with
it. They wrap themselves in chains of
carnage and bondage, claiming that its freedom.
Our lens, our point of view, is easily twisted from saving
lost souls, from seeing unbelievers and reaching out to them in love. It turns
into an us v.s. them mindset. We begin to segregate God’s Children. We begin to
live in rose-colored stained glass windows, never allowing the world to see in.
Living within the church, barricading ourselves, building a moat and saying
“Sure, people can come in, but we won’t go out.”
But that isn’t the life that God has called us to. He hasn’t
called us to self-righteousness and legalism, or to living a closet Christian
life. But to walk in a manner worthy of Him. Going forth and make disciples of
Him. Helping the Father in calling back His prodigals.
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