Hebrews 3:14 For we have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end.

Holding onto my confidence of my purpose, in coming to IGNITE and in life has been much harder than I imagined. Do I still trust God as much as I did when I first came here? My field time isn’t what I was expecting or what I was promised. It hasn’t been the typical team Guatemala field time with schools, the new class, and kids club.

This time in IGNITE has been a season of waiting. We’re planting seeds we’ll never get to see the full fruition of. God is asking for my faith and trust through this and be ok with the plan He has for me in this time. He’s asking me to be faithful with the full knowledge that I won’t see the full fruition. I didn’t come to IGNITE to see what I could get out of it but what I could put into it. How I could pour out. But who do I pour out to if there’s no one there? God has a purpose and a plan and in every step he asks us to step forward in faith.

It’s hard to be a Mary through this. To instead of do do do to sit and wait and be still. To sit at his feet. Do I continue with the faithfulness to the end? Its easy for me to be on fire in the beginning, but am I still faithful and trusting when the weariness sets in? When life becomes daily and mundane and when ministry is taken do I still remain faithful? Am I at peace with this season of planting instead of plucking?

As hard as this is, I wouldn’t trade it for a booming ministry.  It’s so much more trying to trust God through this dry season. Through this time of change in Guatemala, than it would’ve been to have everything that I thought would happen happen. He’s challenging me to be just as faithful and on fire for him in this season even though its not what I expected.


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