Lamentations 3:40 Let us search and examine our ways and turn back to the Lord

Last night I heard a teaching on this passage, and it really made me reflect on it and how it applies to me and what God would have me do with it.  The “let us” implies that all of us need to be constantly checking ourselves, our hearts, and our habits. To see if we’re really seeking him in this and more often than not, I find that I’m not. I find that I’m distracted, I’m selfish, I’m putting my needs first and ignoring how desperately I need to talk to God and receive his word. So often I find myself brushing him off and telling myself that I’ll do it later.

The speaker drew up a metaphor for us, There are two paths before us. One, the straight and narrow way, walked by few and a difficult walk at that. And the wide crooked path, easily walked by many. But the crooked path leads to death. It is one of sin.  The straight narrow path is one of light, it’s the one you can walk with Jesus on.  They then went on to describe how often enough people find themselves walking next to the path of righteousness, sympathizing with Christianity and the bible yet never understanding scripture and his word.  I feel like for a very long time (if not my whole life up until I got saved and even then) I was this person. I walked alongside the path of Jesus because it was how I was raised. I never really understood the momentum of what he’s done for me and what living a life for him should look like.  I had all of the appearance of a typical Christian yet non of the conviction or faith.
The way this walk manifested itself was I would go to church every Sunday and Thursday and would sing a couple songs, admiring how my voice sounded, doodle during the service, and enjoy the friendship and snacking afterwards. This went on for years.  I walked beside the path but never on it. I would occasionally pull our my bible only to get nothing from it. But God didn’t call me to walk alongside the road of calvary. He called me to walk on it. To turn back to him and His word. To repent of my selfish habits and to live surrendered to him and seeking His ways first.
Application: I will spend more time in His word tomorrow and ask Him to reveal to me which habits need to go.


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