Matthew 20:26-28 Yet
it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you,
let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be
your slave- just as the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and
to give His life a ransom for many.
I need to remind myself of this verse often if I’m honest
with myself. I can really see, especially through the leadership here, they
were first interns, just like me. And in order to have position that they have
they had to go through the program first and they still serve alongside with me.
I can’t just go through life expecting to be on top and not have to make the
climb and learn the lessons necessary.
No ministry should ever be a stepping stone for me. I have to treat
every outreach and kids club and project that I do seriously and understand
that ministry isn’t something to be messed around with. “Whoever desires to be first among you, let
him be your slave” This even speaks to me about KP. Sure, I get to be first in
line for food, but in order to be first in line, I have to serve. Life
shouldn’t be about climbing to the top and being first but bringing glory to
the Lord and going where He would have me. Whether that be at the front of the
line or the very back. God desires for me to be content with where He has me.
“The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve” This section really hit
home. Jesus came down and washed the disciple’s feet, he was always serving in whatever
aspect His Father would have him. Jesus
did that. Jesus who bore all of my sin and died on a cross for me, who loves me
and is Emmanuel, God with us. He deserved to be waited on hand and foot, he
didn’t have to serve. But He chose to. If Jesus, the Son of God, came down and
instead of being served, served. And yet
somehow I still struggle with service? I cannot go through life expecting to be
served. I must go through it looking for ways to serve others.
Application: At this next meal, instead of being at the
front of the line for food as I always am, I’ll go to the back. And pray for contentment
with where He has me.
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