2 Corinthians 10:5 We
destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God,
and take every thought captive to obey Christ.
“Take every thought captive, that’s a phrase I often hear
and I understood. Taking every thought captive sounds quite simple to me at
when first heard, but grew in complexity when I began to realize, it meant every thought captive. Not only that,
but taking them, examining them, and seeing if they’re of God and obedient to
His word and will. And if they’re not, casting them out of my mind and thinking
upon them no more. Even going to the verses above verse five: “For though we
walk in the flesh we are not waging ware according to the flesh. For the
weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy
I have to understand that many of the battles that I will
face aren’t physical ones, they’re not tangible. But rather spiritual. It’s a
battle in my own head, against my own flesh. I must take every thought captive and that’s a constant battle. Its
an seemingly endless one, and I can only win this battle and even fight it,
with God’s strength and spirit with me. Guiding me and protecting me. Showing
me the things of His way.
I have to be obedient to God even in my thought life. God is
an all seeing and knowing God, he knows my heart in things. He knows whether or
not when I worship whether I’m praising Him or just singing. He knows when I’m
reading the Bible just to say I did my bible reading and when I read it seeking
after Him. God knows my mind and my
heart in all things and He knows whether I’m being obedient to Him in those
things. Whether I’m doing His will out of reluctant compliance or willful and
joyful obedience. I cannot hide from Him.
Application: I will go forward in this next day praying for
a heart that truly desires to please God and that as I head into KP and Servant
time throughout this next week, that I will do these things with obedience and
joy, and do them unto the Lord.
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