Psalms 111:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever.

To me having the fear of the Lord isn’t fear as being afraid or experiencing terror, but rather respect, acknowledgement of His great power, and having complete obedience to Him. Having this respect and obedience is only the beginning of wisdom. We reach only the beginning of wisdom when we follow God’s commandments because what wisdom really boils down to making deliberate Godly choices and actions in accordance to His will.  I can’t have understanding if I don’t obey the Lord and do his commandments. I’ll miss out on the lessons that He is trying to teach me if I don’t do what He commands of me and seek after Him in all things. I won’t be capable of gaining wisdom if I’m disobedient to the Lord and don’t have any real understanding of how great my God is. I only begin to gain wisdom and understand how He’s moving in my life when I do as the Lord asks of me in trust and obedience and prayer.
Wisdom isn’t something I often pray for. I can’t count the times when I could’ve sought wisdom in the Lord and instead turned to earthly wisdom. I was too prideful and self-centered to admit that I needed God’s wisdom and I was incapable of making the right decisions on my own.  I need only pray to God and humbly ask for wisdom to receive it, just as it is with most things when seeking after the Lord. But I get so wrapped up in thinking I’m capable of handling these “little problems” myself and not relying upon Him for wisdom, guidance, discernment and understanding, that my problems are too small for the Lord to be concerned with. But God loves every part of me and wants to be involved in all my life, even the tiniest of problems; I must bring to Him and ask for guidance and wisdom.
I will pray for wisdom and direction from the Lord in my next devotional.


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