Ephesians 5:15-17 See then circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.  

This verse really spoke to me on several different levels.  I must be careful with myself and my time. I cannot be foolish with it. Because my time here is fleeting and I can’t get distracted from my purpose here. I cannot take my eyes off the Lord.  Because I probably won’t have a time like this again. Where I wake up and I’m just living for God without the distractions and tomfoolery of my everyday life. God has blessed me with this wonderful opportunity to dedicate this year of my life toward Him. To set into practice some life long habits and learn as much as I can with the opportunities I’m provided with in this next year. I must be careful with it and not waste a second because time can be deceiving. I can think I have years left in a season of my life, when in reality I only have a day. I’ve got to live everyday here for God and ask Him daily for what He has to show me in that day.
Another way in which the passage spoke to me was “understand what the will of the Lord is” I have to seek after God and His will for my life. I have to ask God for wisdom and for His guidance for my life.  I have to understand and trust that He has the perfect vision in my life, that I can only see what’s in front of me.  God has a plan for me that is even better than anything I could ever dream up for myself. I have to live in complete trust of that and ask for His wisdom in everything.  I cannot waste my time on temporal happiness but to live my life in the Lord.  

I will live in the day tomorrow and go on another day long tech fast from my ipod.  And spend the time where I would be on my ipod in prayer and His Word instead.


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