10:47-49 And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say “Jesus,
Son of David, have mercy on me!” Then many warned him to be quiet; but he cried
out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” So Jesus stood still and
commanded him to be called. Then they called the blind man, saying, “Be of good
cheer. Rise, He is calling you”
What stuck out to me
is despite the fact that people were telling him to be quiet, Bartimaeus,
persisted in calling out to Jesus. Bartimaeus knew what he needed; Jesus and no
one could stop him. He had faith that Jesus could heal him and change his life
and it was because of that faith that he was rewarded with his sight. When I
cry out to the Lord, He hears me. Despite the voices in my head telling me to
stop crying out to the Lord and asking for help, and to rely upon my own
strength, it is God’s strength I must call upon because I cannot do without it.
I cannot fix things myself; I can’t rely upon myself for healing and
strength. I’ll run dry, if I’m trying to
fill myself. I must go to God, and rely upon Him and the filling of the Holy
Spirit for direction, healing, and strength.
It goes on in the
passage to say that after Bartimaeus received healing, he began to follow Jesus
on the road. He didn’t just thank Jesus and go on living his life. He began to
follow Him. It brings to mind how often God does this miraculous work in my
life, He heals me, strengthens me or even just speaks to me and I give a quick
“thank you Jesus” and just move on, I don’t listen to what He had to say to me,
I moved on with my fast-paced life. I
don’t purposefully follow Him. In Luke 17, when the ten lepers are cleansed,
only one comes back to thank Jesus. Just one.
This really hits home. I can’t count the times, when God has done this
huge work in my life and I just forget and move on.
Over these next 5 days
I will take the time in my devotional to thank the Lord, for something He has
done in my personal life and write it down.
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